Tuesday, June 27, 2006

June 27--A "Baba's girl" Gets Adopted

Tuesday, June 27, 2006 by Laurel
Well folks, no big surprise but it looks like we've got a serious daddy's girl on our hands. (Or, as she is ALREADY calling Andrew "baba," a baba's girl.) She has decided Andrew is great (and actually I'd have to agree). Here he is giving her a bath, which they both really enjoyed.

This morning we went back to the office where we picked up our babies for the official adoption through the province. We filled out some paperwork and Althea had her footprint taken. Here we are right afterwards, an official family!

She is _slowly_ warming up to me, but she was very attached to her foster mother, so I also seem to trigger bouts of grief sometimes when doing things her foster mother typically did. Diaper changes are no fun at all! We celebrated the last one anyway, since she had pooped! (File it under,"You know you're a parent when . . .") I have snuck off to blog while she takes her afternoon nap. At least so far, the sleeping thing is much better than we anticipated. She slept from about 9 pm to 5:30 am last night and took a 1-1/2 hour nap this morning. She is also eating a lot better today.

Please pray for her health as she seems to have a little cold. We plan to try a bit of Western baby cold medicine on her tonight before bed and see if that helps her little cough. Pray for me to continue to be patient with her gradual acceptance of me.
In the words of St. Francis, pray that I might not so much seek
--to be consoled as to console.
--to be understood as to understand.
--and to be loved as to love.

Oh, and how we love her!
Blessings to you all, Dawn

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