Tuesday, July 18, 2006

July 17--Althea goes to church!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006 by Dawn B
We thought it was high time we got our little girl to church. (I'm afraid she shows every tendency of having a serious case of original sin. Oh well, at least her parents know how to treat the condition effectively, or, at least, where effective treatment can be found.)
Anyway, we're glad to say her first trip to church went very well. She enjoyed the music--both choruses AND hymns, I'll have you know. That's my girl! She likes dancing around to the music. She was a bit squirmy, but still pretty good for a seeker.
She made it through the first part of the sermon, then she spotted another little girl in church and started up a new acquaintance! "Ah!" she said, "Ah, ah, ah!"
Translation: "How do you do? My name's Althea. And yours? That's a fine little girly dress you have on. Oh, this old thing, my mama throws it on me when she doesn't care what I look like. What do you think of the service so far? I really like the drums! I wish they'd crank up the volume though!"
Needless to say, Andrew had to exit with her for a bit while our guest preacher finished up (thanks again, Paul!).
The pics are from her meeting church folks after the service. The first is a meeting with "Mama Karen" as we call her.
The second is Althea and mama playing "Tickle Spider," a game of ancient origins in my family.
--Here is Althea getting acquainted with Krista--one of the finest young babysitters I know. May their relationship prosper.
--Finally she got a bit tired of the whole "people meeting" thing.
--But she had done so well, that we celebrated by going out to eat! Woo hoo! Here is our girl enjoying her favorite appetizer--Cheerios!

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