Monday, July 03, 2006

July 2--A Very Busy Day

Monday, July 03, 2006 by Laurel
We went with our group to the pearl and jade market--two huge places just full of various vendors--and not a price tag to be seen. You ask and haggle. Sorry no pictures--I was rather doped up on cold medicine by this time and forgot to take any. Then we met my sister-in-law Elizabeth's friend Ruth who took us to "the real Guangzhou." We got to see a lot of little shops in funky warren-like structures. Ruth helped us haggle with the vendors. It was much more fun! Althea really took to Ruth. Ruth took us to a tea shop where a wonderful woman made us many different kinds of tea served in tiny little cups and won over Althea with some tasty crackers. Yum! We got back in time for a nap for the little one before dinner with our group.

Then we all took a boat ride down the Pearl River. It was beautiful! Althea really seemed to love being out in the open. She particularly liked all the buildings as they lit up at night around the river. Here's a shot of her and daddy on the boat top.

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