Friday, July 28, 2006

July 28--Sleep Update

Friday, July 28, 2006 by Dawn B
O.k., so many of you have asked about how Althea's sleeping is coming. Here's the scoop.
Nighttime is much, much better. In fact, she has been mostly sleeping through the night the last few days. At this point, the parents are the bigger problem, just making sure she is heading for bed early enough. She still fights going to sleep, but not for long at all, at night.
Now during the day, that's a whole 'nother story. We are aiming at just one nap-time, but we often slip and call it "scream time." A good nap day sees her actually asleep for more than 30 minutes.
The odd thing is--she is tired at that time. Really tired. Twice now she has drifted off during lunch (an irresistable photo opp for mom, I'm afraid). When this has happened, we cannot get her to wake up and continue eating. She will stir and open her eyes, but then drift right back off.
Twice now we have taken off her bib, undone her seatbelt, lifted her out of the chair, changed her diaper (including Desitin), carried her through the house and upstairs--all without her waking up. But right before we actually place her in the crib--her eyes pop open and she starts to cry. It's a little spooky.
Still, I'd rather have the battle over the day nap. As a matter of fact, I'm going to head for bed right now.
Night all, peace to you,

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