Monday, July 03, 2006

July 3--An Important Step!

Monday, July 03, 2006 by Laurel

Today was an exciting day for Althea and daddy. For the first time, she was willing to sit in a high chair at breakfast and dinner without throwing a fit! This is very good news for daddy--a.k.a. the human high chair. Slightly calmer day today. Got some errands down--laundry and that sort of thing. Althea continues to open up, but very slowly. She laughs and plays mostly in the safety of our hotel room.
Please pray:
(1) that Althea will continue to grow in her trust of us.
(2) that I will get over the cold--my ears are mostly blocked--bad news for flying.
(3) that all the other appointments and such will go smoothly.

Thank you so much for all your love and prayers!

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