Friday, July 07, 2006

July 6--the longest day EVER

Friday, July 07, 2006 by Dawn B

Ok, we aren't going to have a lot of photos from this day, 'cause frankly, things got ugly. At the start of our trip we were very cute and chipper (see right). This is Andrew and Althea at the start of our first flight from Guangzhou to Tokyo. That one was only a bit over 4 hours. Althea was a trooper--played some, ate some and mostly slept. Seemed like it would be a pleasant trip. Andrew's legs were pretty sore, but the next plane, for the long leg, would have a lot more room.
But ah . . . the next plane, the plane from Tokyo to Minneapolis. The sooner we forget that little nightmare the better. Apparently we were flying very close to Jupiter--the air on the plane got SO dry. After awhile our throats were parched and voices were hoarse. Andrew got a terrible case of altitude sickness (not the case on the Minneapolis to Tokyo flight there, so go figure), he could hardly move. Althea, understandably enough, was getting very crabby, as were the many, many other young children and babies on the plane. Not pleasant. After our second screaming diaper change in about a 20 minute span, we realized we had missed the midnight snack. Not a big deal to us, but when Althea saw the fellow down the row enjoying his carrot cake. AHHHH!! You have never heard such screams. I again did my gymnastics routine to emerge into the aisle and ask the stewardess for one of the snacks. The volume of Althea's screams can be imagined when I tell you the stewardess eagerly handed me about five of them. I returned with only one, which changed Althea's screams instantly into giggles of delight. This girl loves her food.
Somehow we made it through that flight. It was pretty awful. Another young child nearby was apparently having night terrors at one point.
Then we got to Minneapolis--and got in the "immigrants" line with our little immigrant. It was an interesting experience. It took a LONG time. Again, we were not allowed to take pictures, but when they stamped her visa paperwork, our little girl officially became a US citizen!
Later in the airport, we met up with our friend Julie, also from Sioux Falls, who was there adopting Lily. So here's a picture of two happy little new Americans! (Lily's got a kind of wrapper 'tude going on.)

Althea was great for the last little flight to Sioux Falls--slept the whole time, as did her mommy who was holding her. (Though not her daddy, as he was watching to make sure mommy didn't drop her in her sleep.) That was about the only sleep I got on the trip; Andrew got even less.
We are beyond tired. We have entered a new zone of tired way beyond anything we have ever known. But we are home--home with our little one. She seems pretty happy about it.
I don't know how much I'll be able to write in the days ahead, but I'll try to give you an update soon.
Much love and many thanks to all of you for your love and prayers!

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