Saturday, July 08, 2006

July 8--at home, but seriously tired

Saturday, July 08, 2006 by Dawn B
Hello dear ones,
Sorry we haven't been in much communication yet. Frankly, we've kind of been in survival mode. This picture is one of the more tranquil sunny moments. Happily, there are many of these. Our girl loves to play and laugh and sing. She loves investigating everything, but especially how things sound when she puts them in her mouth and makes noises!
Unfortunately, it is also not easy for a 10-month-old to turn her days into nights and vice versa. We have had a rough couple of nights, with many prolonged screaming times. Last night was unusually bad and we wondered why until we saw two little blood spots on her pillow this morning and . . . (experienced parents have already guessed) tooth number four has come! Is this girl serious about eating or what?
Between lack of sleep and the fact that both of us are still recovering from Althea's cold--those Chinese get wicked sore throats--we haven't been quite ourselves. We are not going to try to go to church in the morning--just a bit too much at this point. But we hope to be starting to surface and call people and such in the next few days.
Thank you so much for your love and prayers. I better go help Andrew, she's started crying again.

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