Saturday, August 05, 2006

August 3rd--Althea & the Great American Pastime

Saturday, August 05, 2006 by Dawn B
Althea went to her first ball game this week, watching our Sioux Falls Canaries, who almost pulled it out with a valiant effort at the end (not that we were able to stay for the whole game--our night life isn't quite what it used to be). Anyway, here are Althea's thoughts on the whole experience:

"Well, I do like my patriotic wardrobe choices, especially the hat."

"The hat is even better for playing peek-a-boo with Baba."

"Peek-a-boo with my friend Krista is also fun, but I'm still not quite sure what they want me to do with the ball."

"This I know what to do with!
Thanks for the pizza, Ms. Julie!"

"Hmmm . . . there appears to be some sort of sporting event taking place down there."

"Someone needs to show these guys how to make a proper spit-ball."

"Oh my stars and stripes! Did you see that!?! Did you see that?!?"

"Seriously, Mama, are you paying any attention to the game?"

"I love being an American!!"

(Cue choir humming Proud to Be an American)

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