Tuesday, September 05, 2006

My First Birthday

Tuesday, September 05, 2006 by Dawn B
(editor's note: apologies for the lack of blog over the past few weeks. We're moving towards "the new normal" at Casa Burnett. slowly.)

Hi friends!
Althea here to tell you all about my first birthday and the celebrations of the day.
At church, I donned the "Fun to be 1" bib and crown supplied by Papa and Nana from MI.
Sure enough, it turned out to be pretty fun after all. My favorite part is how quickly I could take off the crown--usually just before someone could snap my picture (tee, hee, hee).

Then, just as I had decided to humor them and keep the crown on for awhile, they introduced me to a strange American ritual.
Apparently, when you turn one, you're supposed to be given free reign to cover yourself in frosting and cake.
I found this rather hard to believe.
Here I am, consulting with my Mama:
"Really, you really want me to do this?!?"

"I mean seriously, mom, this is incredibly messy. Just look at my hand!"

I managed to eat some of the frosting and a bit of cake. (I could tell they expected it of me.) But it's not as much fun to make a mess on cue. I much prefer making them when Mama doesn't expect it. (Did you know peanut butter makes a great hair conditioner?)

The next day, we moved the party out of doors and went with the giant cookie theme. Now that's what I'm talking about!

I got seriously tickled once my crown was off because . . .

Now look who's got it on!
(Pink really isn't his color. Don't tell him I said that.)

All in all, I think it was a great birthday. (Of course, what do I have to compare it to?) Thanks everybody for your cards and wishes and singing!

P.S.--Keep praying for my parents. Now that I'm one, I start day care soon and they're . . .well . . . a little nervy about the whole thing. I suppose it's just the age. Or maybe they're teething?

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