Monday, June 04, 2007

Easter Update

Monday, June 04, 2007 by Dawn B
Hello everyone!

I know it's been far too long since the last blog entry. Not quite sure where all the time went. I've decided I'm going to invent calendar mulch, some sort of product that would keep extra things from springing up on your calendar and filling it up too fast!

Anyway, thought we'd catch you up with events over the last few weeks--here's the first installment:

We had a lovely Easter together with our cute little bunny.

We dyed Easter Eggs, which Althea enjoyed with the contagious joy of a toddler. "Oooooo! Wow!" You would have thought we had made sparkly fairies appear.

One of those great joys of parenthood--getting to feel again the wonder of coloring an Egg!

We also enjoyed the big day at church, even though most of our time is spent in the Nursery. Thankfully, Althea really likes the nursery, at least for a few hours at a time.
When we first brought her home, I had visions of her in the Sanctuary with us, perhaps sitting quietly with one of our dear church friends. (Do I hear the chortles of more experienced parents?) Actually, she LOVES being in worship. The problem is that she wants to lead things! She wants to be heard and she wants to be up on the chancel. Not surprising, considering that's where her parents are most of the time. As Andrew says, how will she ever learn to be quiet in church when we never are?

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