Monday, June 04, 2007

Catching up--Part II

Monday, June 04, 2007 by Dawn B
Hello again,

A bit more catching up.

We had a truly lovely Mother's Day.
Last year on Mother's Day all we had was a picture of our little one, but this year . . .
Let's just say I know why adoptive families celebrate "Gotcha Day!"

As you can see, she's growing up so fast. She has learned that if she leaves her hat on, people will fuss over her and say how cute she is. "Hat!" has become one of her favorite words.

Right before Mother's Day, we went on a little expedition to celebrate Daddy's birthday--to the Omaha Zoo! It was a big hit with Althea, since she loves animals. She liked the petting zoo, but she really loved the tigers, or as she calls them "ti-ders, rrrrrr!"

She also pointed out each and every time she spotted water. In original "Althea-speak," all forms of water were called "wash," then she moved onto calling them all "wat." By the end of our day at the zoo, we had a consistent, two-syllable "wa-ter!" I never noticed before, but there's an awful lot of water at the zoo.

O.k., this kid really loves animals, even big scary gorillas. Believe it or not, she actually wanted to get closer to the window. Mommy, the adult who knows about the safety of strong thick glass, was too nervous to get any closer. Yikes!

You'll just have to imagine the soundtrack--Althea imitating a low "Oooo, Oooo, Oooo" sound.

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