Friday, June 06, 2008

Big News in Toddler Town!

Friday, June 06, 2008 by Dawn B
Hi friends!
I've just started something really great . . .really exciting . . . Mommy and Daddy just can't get enough of it . . .

I'm wearing underwears!
I would gladly show you them, but Mommy says I'm not supposed to show everyone my underwears. It's "a private thing." But that doesn't stop me talking about it--to everyone I meet!
And Mommy and Daddy are such fans of the whole "going potty" thing, that they don't even mind if I tell everyone I meet that "I'm wearing underwears!"
Today I'm sporting the latest in Disney princess underwears. I also have the entire "Dora" line and some key wardrobe selections in the Le Pooh Bear Avec Fraises Collection. Although Mommy overlooked them at first, I managed to spot some really cool underwears with Spider Man on them. They glow in the dark and each one has a pocket in the front! How cool is that!
Speaking of cool, I timed this whole transition quite well, if I say so myself. Mommy was thinking the time was right a few months ago, but, as I like to remind her, some things just can't be rushed. Now that the weather is getting warmer, it's really the right time to be . . .

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